Tuesday 23 September 2014

Project 5 Start - Deadzone!!

So quite a slow start to this blog then - though that's dependent entirely on my hobby progress, so surprisingly not much of that over the last 4 weeks. On the other hand, joining a local gaming club has been a real breath of fresh air - meeting new people and actually getting some games in on a regular basis as opposed to only occasionally.

The reason I've been able to get these regular games is that I have really opened up to non-GW game systems, some others of which will no doubt appear in future posts. The one which has jumped straight to the top of my priority list is Deadzone.

This game is similar is scale and scope to Necromunda (which may be why it appeals so much to me), being a skirmish level game of around 10 models per Strike Team (gang). I had heard of it before but knew next to nothing about it. Now that I have experienced the game I am gutted to have missed out on the initial Kickstarters for it. There are currently 6 factions available, with a seventh expected next year, and the models are great. 

I was very lucky that a few weeks ago I noticed a couple of guys learning the game and they were happy for me to sit down and check it out with them, and I got hooked just from watching them go for it. My fortune doubled-up the following week when a campaign was announced for the system at the club, for which we had the first game last week. So that meant I had to get a strike team sorted out pretty quick, and this has taken up a fair bit of my hobby time. The results are the models below.

This faction, the Rebs (Rebels), appealed to the most aesthetically - I love the variety in sizes and looks of the different humans and aliens for this faction. I'm hoping to get this lot painted up during the campaign.

I have also now picked up the main box, and so there's a ton of plastic terrain and 2 more faction starter sets to build up - plenty to get on with.